Saturday, August 19, 2023

American physicist Oppenheimer was influenced by Bhagavad Gita. The book discusses multiverse and the universe being a part of Shri Krishna.

 American physicist Oppenheimer was influenced by Bhagavad Gita. The book discusses multiverse and the universe being a part of Shri Krishna.

[00:06]( Bhagavad Gita's influence on Oppenheimer and the concept of multiverse

[01:22]( Multiple universes exist and are a part of Shri Krishna.

[02:35]( The concept of rebirth and multiple universes.

[03:40]( Dr. Ian Stevenson studied reincarnation cases and found that young children remembered unrelated memories.

[04:51]( Science and the existence of the soul

[06:03]( The 7th and 15th chapters of Bhagavad Gita mention a universe without sun and moonlight, where the only light is the radiance of the Supreme God.

[07:20]( The Bhagavad Gita explains the concept of a simulation theory and the control of the universe by God.

[08:34]( Meditation reduces crime rate by 23% in 6 weeks.


Detailed Summary for [Untold Secrets from Bhagavad Gita Explained in 10 minutes]( by [Merlin](

[00:06]( Bhagavad Gita's influence on Oppenheimer and the concept of multiverse

- Oppenheimer was influenced by Bhagavad Gita and quoted it

- Bhagavad Gita discusses the concept of multiverse

[01:22]( Multiple universes exist and are a part of Shri Krishna.

- The 10th chapter of Bhagavad Gita mentions the existence of universes apart from ours.

- Shri Krishna reveals his universal form to Arjun in the 11th chapter of Bhagavad Gita.

- The universal form has many heads, arms, colors, and shapes.

- Arjun sees multiple universes within Shri Krishna's body.

- This realization leads Arjun to understand that Shri Krishna is the creator of the entire universe.

- The 8th chapter of Bhagavad Gita explains that each universe's time cycle is governed by Brahma.

[02:35]( The concept of rebirth and multiple universes.

- Different time cycles exist in separate universes.

- The Vedas consider Brahma as the creator, but the Brahma Samhita states that Shri Krishna is the ultimate creator.

- There are cases like Shanti Devi, who claimed to remember her previous birth.

- Rebirth or reincarnation is an intriguing topic.

[03:40]( Dr. Ian Stevenson studied reincarnation cases and found that young children remembered unrelated memories.

- Dr. Stevenson collected over 3000 reincarnation cases.

- Reincarnation theories are criticized by science.

- Bhagavad Gita explains the concept of rebirth in detail.

- Soul is immortal even though the body can be destroyed.

- Memories from past lives can be remembered in a new body.

- Source of past life memories is still debated.

[04:51]( Science and the existence of the soul

- Dr. Penfield's experiment on brain signals and movements

- The concept of rebirth and attaining salvation in Bhagavad Gita

[06:03]( The 7th and 15th chapters of Bhagavad Gita mention a universe without sun and moonlight, where the only light is the radiance of the Supreme God.

- Only souls who have attained salvation go to this universe.

- This part of Bhagavad Gita also discusses the existence of a different universe, suggesting that our world is an illusion.

[07:20]( The Bhagavad Gita explains the concept of a simulation theory and the control of the universe by God.

- Shri Krishna has created and can destroy the material world and all living beings.

- The Bhagavad Gita states that humans are part of a universe under the control of God.

- Meditation and yoga are important practices mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita.

- Meditation has the power to stop crimes in the world.

[08:34]( Meditation reduces crime rate by 23% in 6 weeks.

- 4,000 people from a small town participated in a meditation experiment

- Bhagavad Gita teaches that meditation helps overcome negative emotions and recognize true self

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