Thursday, August 17, 2023

Regular Faculty Posts at JNU-Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India


Designation/Position- Regular Faculty Posts at JNU

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, invites applications for Regular Faculty Posts at JNU from eligible and interested candidate

About- Jawaharlal Nehru University is a central public university in New Delhi, India. It was established in 1969 and named after Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister. The university is known for leading faculties and research emphasis on liberal arts and applied sciences. Regular Assistant Professor Posts at JNU

Research/Job Area- Various

More Opportunities:

Teaching Jobs in India: Various Faculty Positions in top Indian Institutes

Location- New Delhi


PROFESSOR: SCALE OF PAY: (Academic Pay Level-14) Rs.1,44,200/-2,18,200/- 

  • (i) An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals and a total research score of 120 as per the criteria given in Appendix II, Table 2, of UGC Regulations, 2018.

       (ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor, and/or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate.


  • An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the relevant/allied/applied disciplines, from any academic institutions (not included in A above)/industry, who has made significant contribution to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence provided he/she has ten years’ experience.

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: SCALE OF PAY: (Academic Pay Level-13A) Rs. 1,31,400/-2,17,100/- (i) A good academic record, with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant disciplines.

  • A Master‘s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever the grading system is followed).
  • A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and / or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or Accredited Research Institution/industry with a minimum of seven publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals and a total research score of Seventy five (75) as per the criteria given in Appendix II, Table 2, of UGC Regulations, 2018.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: SCALE OF PAY: (Academic Pay Level – 10)  Rs. 57,700/-1,82,400/- 

  • A Master‘s degree with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in a concerned/ relevant/ allied subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university.
  • Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or the CSIR, or a similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET/SET or who are or have been awarded a Ph. DDegree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendments from time to time , as the case may, be exempted from NET/SLET/SET:

 Provided, the candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme prior to July 11, 2009, shall be governed by the provisions of the then existing Ordinances/Bye-laws/Regulations of the Institution awarding the degree and such Ph.D. candidates shall be exempted from the requirement of NET/SLET/SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in

Universities/Colleges/Institutions subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions:-

  • The Ph.D. degree of the candidate has been awarded in a regular mode;
    1. The Ph.D. thesis has been evaluated by at least two external examiners;An open Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate has been conducted;The Candidate has published two research papers from his/her Ph.D. work, out of which at least one is in a refereed journal;
  • The candidate has presented at least two papers based on his/her Ph.D work in conferences/seminars sponsored/ funded/ supported by the UGC / ICSSR/ CSIR or any similar agency.

The fulfilment of these conditions is to be certified by the Registrar or the Dean (Academic Affairs) of the University concerned.

Note: NET/SLET/SET shall also not be required for such Masters Programmes in disciplines for which NET/ SLET/SET is not conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET/SET.


The Ph.D degree has been obtained from a foreign university/institution with a ranking among top 500 in the World University Ranking (at any time) by any one of the following: (i) Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) (ii) the Times Higher Education (THE) or (iii) the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai).

Note: The Academic score as specified in Appendix II (Table 3A) for Universities, of UGC Regulations, 2018, shall be considered for shortlisting of the candidates for interview only, and the selections shall be based only on the performance in the interview.

Details of the Posts with Qualifications, Specialisations & Desirable qualifications etc. are as under:

S.No.School/Centre /Spl CentreName of the PostReservation StatusQualifications, Specialization & Desirable Qualifications etc.
1.  CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF LAW AND GOVERNANCE (CSLG)ProfessorURConstitutional Law and governance/ Constitutional Political Economy/ Environmental Law and Governance/ Critical Legal Theory/ Law, Society and Culture/ Sociology of Law/Critical Governance Theory/ Governmentality Studies/ Economics Analysis of Law/ Political Economy of Institutions/ Regulatory Governance/ Corporate Governance/ Violence and Politics/ Law and Visual Culture/ Law and Literature/ Legal History.
2.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)Associate ProfessorOBCSpecialization in the discipline of Art History with specialization in Pre-modern medieval Indian painting traditions with a focus on Sultanate, Deccani, Mughal, Rajasthani and Pahari painting. Ph.D. or D.Phil. Degree in Art History. Experience of teaching and /or research in the specialized discipline.
3.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  ProfessorPwD -(OA, BA, OL, BL, OAL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV)Ph.D. in Cinema Studies/Film Studies.   At least 10 years of Teaching and Research Experience in Cinema/Film Studies Book/Journal publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies. Evidence of Guiding doctoral work in the field of Cinema Studies/Film Studies.
4.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Associate ProfessorPwD# ASD, SLD, MI & MD involvingSpecialization: Either (i) contemporary art theory with a focus on modern art history and new media culture; or (ii) Theoretical frameworks on the anthropology of art with a focus on South Asia’s cultural & material practices.  Ph.D. or D.Phil Degree in art history Experience of teaching and/or research in the disciplines of Art History or New Media Studies or Contemporary Art Theory or Folk & Tribal art.
5.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Assistant ProfessorPwD#  ASD, SLD, MI &  MD involvingEssential Qualification: Master’s in Art History/Arts and Aesthetics/Visual Culture specializing in Himalayan and Vajrayana art. Specialisation: Himalayan and Vajrayana Buddhist Art. Desirable Ph.D/M.Phil in Art History specializing in Himalayan and Vajrayana art. Book/Journal publications in the field of specialization.
6.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Associate ProfessorSC (Backlog)Post-graduation in the discipline of Art History / History of Art with specialization in Premodern Indian traditions of temple architecture and art with a focus on the latermedieval and early-modern periods. Ph.D. or D.Phil. Degree in Art History. Experience of teaching and /or research in the specialized discipline.
7.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Professor in Theatre and Performance StudiesOBC (Backlog)Ph.D. in Performance Studies or in related areas with focus in the discipline. Post Graduate Teaching and Supervision of doctoral students. Research in Theatre and Performance Studies.  Specialization in theories of memory, space, performances / post-colonial theories of theatre and performance studies. Publication and research – Monographs, published research work of high quality in national and international peer reviewed journals and books and / or chapters in reputed academic presses within the field of Theatre and Performance Studies.
8.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Associate ProfessorSC (Backlog)Ph.D. in Cinema Studies/Film Studies Teaching and Research Experience in Cinema Studies/Film Studies Book/Journal publications in the field of Cinema Studies/Film Studies.
9.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Associate ProfessorOBC (Backlog)Ph.D. in Cinema Studies/Film Studies. Teaching and Research Experience in Cinema/Film Studies. Book/Journal publications in the field of Cinema Studies/Film Studies.
10.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Associate ProfessorSC (Backlog)Ph.D. in Music studies or musicology Teaching and Research in Music Studies. Specialization in contemporary music theories/post-colonial theories of music. Monographs/research papers in international peer reviewed journals on music studies.
11.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Associate ProfessorSC (Backlog)Ph.D. in Dance Studies or Performance Studies. Teaching and Research in Dance Studies. Specialization in dance studies, contemporary dance theories/post-colonial development of dance. Monographs/research papers in international peer-reviewed journals on dance studies.
12.  SCHOOL OF ARTS & AESTHETICS (SAA)  Associate ProfessorSC (Backlog)Ph.D in Theatre and Performance Studies or related areas with focus in aesthetics, Ancient Indian philosophy and performance traditions. Monograph/research papers in the area of specialization.
13.  SCHOOL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (SBT)Associate ProfessorPwD# ASD, SLD, MI  MD involvingMolecular biology, Big-data analysis, Metabolomics, Genomics.
14.  SCHOOL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (SBT)Associate ProfessorPwD# (a) B.LVMedical biotechnology, Diagnostic, Genome biology.
15.  SCHOOL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEGRATIVE SCIENCES (SCIS)Assistant ProfessorOBCM.Sc./M.Tech. in Biological Sciences/Chemical Sciences/Physical Sciences/ Bioinformatics/ Computational Biology. Specialization in one or more of following research areas: Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Chemoinformatics, High- throughput Omics Data Analysis, Complex Systems, Mathematical Biology, Dynamical Systems, Statistical Mechanics of Living Systems.
Desirable: Ph.D. degree and post-doctoral research experience in the area/s of specialization mentioned above. Candidates must have demonstrated capabilities quantifiable in terms of high-quality research publications in high impact journals and/or related experience in academia/industry, in any of the above mentioned areas.
16.  SCHOOL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEGRATIVE SCIENCESProfessorOBC (Backlog)Ph.D. in any area of Natural Sciences/Computer Science with specialization in one or more of following research areas: Complex Systems, Mathematical Biology, Dynamical Systems, Statistical Mechanics of Living Systems.
 (SCIS)    Candidates must have demonstrated capabilities and experience quantifiable in terms of teaching, consistent high-quality research publications in high impact journals and research grants, in any of the above mentioned areas.
17.  SCHOOL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEGRATIVE SCIENCES (SCIS)ProfessorOBC (Backlog)Ph.D. in any area of Natural Sciences/Computer Science with specialization in one or more of following research areas: Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Chemoinformatics, High-throughput Biological Data Analysis.   Candidates must have demonstrated capabilities and experience quantifiable in terms of teaching, consistent high-quality research publications in high impact journals and research grants, in any of the above mentioned areas.
18.  SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (SOE)  Professor in Computer Science and EngineeringOBCEssential Qualification: ME/MTech in the areas of computer science and engineering/computer technology/computer engineering/information technology/software engineering/ Al/ Data Science A Ph.D. in computer science and engineering and related areas.
Specializations: Theoretical computer science, data structures, algorithm, operating systems, computer systems, computer architecture, database, parallel and distributed systems, software engineering, software systems, artificial intelligence.
Desirable qualification: A Ph.D. from an Indian University (top 50 in NIRF ranking), or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university Work experience in an institute (academic/ or research) of repute.
19.  SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (SOE)  Professor in Electronics and Communication EngineeringUREssential Qualifications: ME/MTech in the areas of electronics and communications/ electronics engineering A Ph.D. in electronics engineering and related areas.
Specializations: Microelectronics, embedded systems, semiconductor electronics, VLSI, Photonics, integrated circuits, communication systems, control systems and automation, digital electronics, microprocessor, RF and microwave, Signal Processing.
Desirable qualification: A Ph.D. from an Indian University (top 50 in NIRF ranking), or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university Work experience in an institute (academic/ or research) of repute.
20.  SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (SOE)  Professor in Mechanical EngineeringOBCEssential Qualifications: 1.ME/MTech in the mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, robotics and automation, mechatronics, automobile engineering, production engineering, industrial engineering, thermal engineering, CAD/CAM, applied mechanics, welding engineering. 2. A Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and related areas.
Specializations: Mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, robotics and automation, mechatronics, automobile engineering, production engineering, industrial engineering, thermal engineering, CAD/CAM, applied mechanics, welding engineering.  
Desirable qualification: A Ph.D. from an Indian University (top 50 in NIRF ranking), or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university Work experience in an institute (academic/ or research) of repute.
21.  SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (SES)ProfessorOBC (Backlog)Essential Qualifications: An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in: Physics/Mathematics/allied disciplines of Physics or Mathematics/Atmospheric Science/Civil and/or Environmental Engineering/ Environmental Sciences (with evidence of having qualified Mathematics and Physics based courses) and  Published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the field of Environmental Modelling/ Atmospheric Science/ Climate Dynamics/ Environmental Physics in reputed peer-reviewed journals.   Minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/colleges as Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/Professor, and/or research experience at equivalent level at the University National level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate.  
Desirable Qualification: Masters Degree in Physics/Mathematics/allied disciplines of Physics or mathematics/ Atmospheric Science/Civil and/or Environmental Engineering/Environmental Sciences (with evidence of having qualified Mathematics and Physics base courses).
22.  SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (SES)ProfessorST (Backlog)Essential qualifications Ph.D. in Chemistry or Environmental Sciences. Minimum of 10 publications in the field of analytical chemistry and experience of independent research guidance. An eminent scholar with suitable experience in method development research for emerging contaminants in environmental systems. Supervision of minimum 01 (one) Ph.D. awarded.  
Desirable Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry or Environmental Sciences. The candidate must have practical experience of operation of sophisticated techniques such GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS, LC-MS/MS, NMR, HPLC, ICPMS TIMS, ESCA, CE, XPS etc.
23.  SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (SES)ProfessorOBC (Backlog)Essential qualifications: Ph.D. in Geology/Applied Geology/Earth Sciences with specialization in Marine geosciences/Isotope Hydrology/Coal & amp; petroleum geology/Exploration Geosciences/Economic geology/Hydrogeology/Ocean mineral resources/Oceanic geological processes with modeling.  
    Desirable Qualification: M.Sc. in Geology/Applied Geology/Earth Sciences/Environmental Sciences (specialization in the Area of Geosciences). Minimum of 10 publications in the fields of above-mentioned specializations. Supervision of minimum 01 (one) Ph.D. awarded. Candidates with relevant post-doctoral research experience in above area(s) as evident by excellent and consistent publication records with strong motivation for teaching and record of external funding in the research are encouraged to apply. The cross-cutting research concepts to strengthen cooperation between key research areas Earth and Environmental subjects are fortified.
24.  SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (SES)Associate ProfessorST (Backlog)Essential Qualification M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences/        Botany/Zoology/Wildlife Sciences/Biodiversity Conservation/Restoration Ecology/Biological Sciences. Ph.D. degree and research in Ecology/Biodiversity Conservation/Restoration Ecology/Wildlife/ Habitat Ecology at Ecosystem-Species Level. Minimum of 07 (seven) publications in SCI journals in the fields of Ecology/Biodiversity Conservation/Restoration Ecology/Wildlife/ Habitat Ecology at Ecosystem-Species Level.  
Desirable Qualification: Candidates with relevant post-doctoral research experience in above related area(s) as evident by excellent and consistent publication records with strong motivation for teaching, and record of extra-mural funding in the research are encouraged to apply.   The cross-cutting research concepts to strengthen co-operation between key research areas of Ecology and Environmental Sciences are fortified.
25.  SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (SES)ProfessorST (Backlog)Essential qualifications Ph.D. in Chemistry or Environmental Sciences. Minimum of 10 publications in the field of green chemistry, chemical hazards & risk assessment, solid waste management/recycling and experience of independent research and experience of independent research guidance. Supervision of minimum 01 (one) Ph.D. awarded.
Desirable Qualification: Chemistry or Environmental Sciences. Proven record of academic and research assignments related to green chemistry (design of chemical products and processes resulting into hazardous waste reduction/elimination), chemical hazards and risk assessment, chemical methods for solid waste management/recycling.
60.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Professor of Developmental BiologySC (Backlog)Essential qualifications :- M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with Developmental Biology as a subject Ph.D.      and         post-doctoral        research experience             in            the                 area        of            Stem
    Cell/Developmental Biology on model systems (Drosophila / C. elegans / Zebrafish /Dictyostelium) as evident from high quality publications. (The faculty member would be required to teach core course/s developmental biology for M.Sc./Ph.D.)   Experience of independent research guidance. Supervision of minimum 01 Ph D (degree awarded).
Desirable expertise:  Research experience in stem cell biology/ developmental biology in metazoans/ or other emerging areas in Developmental Biology as evident from high quality publications (at least 10 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 15 years in reputed journals). A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
61.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Professor of BiochemistryOBC (Backlog)Essential qualifications:- M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with Biochemistry as a subject. Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the area of Biochemistry as evident from high quality publications. (The faculty member would be required to teach core course/s Biochemistry for M.Sc./Ph.D.). Experience of independent research guidance.  Supervision of minimum 01 Ph D (degree awarded) Desirable expertise:  Research experience in Enzymology/ Protein biochemistry/ Metabolism/Nucleic acid biochemistry/Biochemical processes/Chemical Biology at organismal level/or other emerging areas in biochemistry as evident from high quality publications(at least 10 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 15 years in reputed journals).  A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
62.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Professor of Cell BiologySC (Backlog)Essential qualifications:- M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with Cell biology/Molecular biologyas a subject  Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the area of cell biology as evident from high quality publications. (The faculty member would be required to teach core course/s Cell Biology for M.Sc./Ph.D.)  Experience of independent research guidance.  Supervision of minimum 01 Ph D (degree awarded)
Desirable expertise:  Research experience in cell-cell communication/protein trafficking/ Organelle biology/ Gene regulation/ therapeutic molecules and gene regulation/ or other emerging areas in Cell Biology/Molecular Biology as evident from high quality
    publications(at least 10 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 15 years in reputed journals).   A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
63.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Professor of Immunity and InfectionOBC (Backlog)Essential qualifications :- M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with Immunology as a subject  Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the area of Immunology as evident from high quality publications. (The faculty member would be required to teach core course/s on Immunology/Microbiology/Infection Biology/ Disease Biology for M.Sc./Ph.D.)  Experience of independent research guidance. Supervision of minimum 01 Ph D (degree awarded).
Desirable expertise:  Research experience in Immunity; Cellular immunity; any other emerging areas on immunology of infectious diseases of animals/human as evident from high quality publications (at least 10 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 15years in reputed journals). A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
64.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Professor of Cancer BiologyOBC (Backlog)Essential qualifications:- M.Sc. in any branch of Life Sciences with Cell Biology/Cancer Biology as a subject. Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the area of cancer biology as evident from high quality publications. (The faculty member would be required to teach disease biology/radiation biology/cancer biology/physiology course for M.Sc./Ph.D.)  Experience of independent research guidance.  Supervision of minimum 01 Ph D (degree awarded)
Desirable expertise:  Research experience in any aspect of Complex diseases; Genetic disorders; cancer therapeutics; cancer genetics; Biological effects of radiation; biology of immunotherapy of cancer; or other emerging areas in Human biology as evident from high quality publications(at least 10 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 15 years in reputed journals).  A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
65.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Professor of Microbial PathogenesisUREssential qualifications :- M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with microbiology/genetics/pathology as a subject.  Ph.D. and/or Post-doctoral research experience as evident from high quality publications in the area of microbial pathogenesis. (To teach course in microbiology/microbial genetics/disease biology for M.Sc/Ph.D).  Experience of independent research guidance. Supervision of minimum 01 Ph D (degree awarded)
Desirable expertise  Research experience in pathogenesis of fungal pathogens or protozoan parasites employing molecular genetics/cell biology/genomic approaches using human or model host organisms as evident from high quality publications (at least 10 highquality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 15 years in reputed journals). A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
66.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Professor of Quantitative EcologySTEssential qualifications :- M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with ecology/evolution as a subject. Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the relevant area of Quantitative Ecology/Molecular Evolution as evident from high quality publications. (The faculty member would be required to teach course/s ecology, biodiversity, and evolution for M.Sc./Ph.D.)  Experience of independent research guidance. Supervision of minimum 01 Ph D (degree awarded).
Desirable expertise:  Research experience demonstrating quantitative methods related to statistical, simulation, and analytical modeling of natural systems at multiple levels of biological organization and at varying spatial and temporal scales or other emerging areas in Human-environment interactions as evident from high quality publications (at least 10 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 15 years in reputed journals). A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
67.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Associate Professor of Disease BiologyUREssential qualifications:-  M.Sc./M Tech in any branch of Biological Sciences with Immunology/Animal physiology//Microbiology/Parasitology as a subject. The faculty member would be required to teach Disease Biology/Immunology/Cell Biology/Infection Biology/Microbiology/Fungal Biotechnology or related courses for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.
    Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the area of Immunology/Disease biology / host-pathogen/host parasite interaction using animal model/s and/or human subjects as evident from high quality publications.  Desirable expertise:- Research experience in immune-related diseases/disease biology /host-pathogen interaction/ human physiology or other emerging areas using animal model/s and/or human subjects preferably using high throughput, omics-based integrative approaches as evident from high quality publications (at least 7 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 12 years in reputed journals). A short research proposal outlining future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
68.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology  ST (Backlog)Essential qualifications :- M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with Ecology/Evolutionary biology as a subject. The faculty member would be required to teach Ecology/Evolutionary biology course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the area of Ecology/Evolutionary biology as evident from high quality publications
Desirable expertise: Research experience in Biogeochemistry /Ecosystem Science / Community Ecology / Population Biology/ Evolutionary Patterns and Processes or other emerging areas in Ecology/Evolutionary Biology as evident from high quality publications (at least 7 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 12 years in reputed journals). A short research proposal outlining future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
69.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Associate Professor of Biostatistics / Bioinformatics / Mathematical BiologySC (Backlog)Essential qualifications :- M.Sc./M.Tech. in Biostatistics / Mathematics. The faculty member would be required to teach Biostatistics and Mathematical Biology courses for both M.Sc. and Ph.D students. Ph.D. and/or Post-doctoral research experience with development/ application of statistics/bioinformatics/mathematics related to biological systems as evident from high quality publications in the relevant area.
Desirable expertise: Research experience in genome analysis/systems biology/mathematical modelling on biological systems or other emerging areas in Biostatistics/ Mathematical Biology as evident from high quality publications (at least 7 highquality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 12 years in reputed journals).
     A short research proposal outlining future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
70.  SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES (SLS)Associate Professor of Biophysical ChemistryOBCEssential qualifications:- M.Sc./M Tech in any branch of Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Chemistry with Biochemistry/Protein Chemistry/Biophysical                    Chemistry/Protein Biophysics/Proteomics as a subject. The faculty member would be required to teach Chemistry/Biophysical Chemistry/Biophysics/Chemical Biology/Biomolecular Chemistry or related courses for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Ph.D. and/or post-doctoral research experience in the area of Protein chemistry/protein biophysics/protein aggregation/protein folding/RNA biology as evident from high quality publications. 
Desirable expertise:  Research experience in Protein chemistry/biophysical chemistry/protein biophysics/protein aggregation/protein folding/RNA biology or other emerging areas in field of Biomolecular Chemistry or Chemical Biology as evident from high quality publications (at least 7 high-quality original research publications either as first author or corresponding author during the past 12 years in reputed journals). A short research proposal outlining future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.
71.  SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES (SPS)Assistant ProfessorSCSpecialization in Inorganic Chemistry of Theoretical Chemistry.
Desirable: Candidates are desired to have Ph.D. degree in Chemistry. Published research work in reputed peer reviewed international journals during Ph.D. and Post doctoral tenure.
72.  SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES (SPS)ProfessorST (Backlog)Nonlinear Dynamics, Physics of Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Theory, Statistical Physics, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics.
73.  SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES (SPS)Associate ProfessorSC (Backlog)Prospective candidates with proven track record of high quality research work published in reputed peer reviewed international journals are encouraged to apply.  Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics.
Specialization: Topology (Algebraic or Differential), Geometry (Algebraic, Arithmetic, Differential, Hyperobolic or Symplectic), Non-Commutative Geometry, Harmonic Analysis, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Rings and Modules, Group Theory, Ergodic Theory, Representation Theory, Complex Analysis, Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, Number Theory (Algebraic, Transcendental and Analytic). However, outstanding candidates in other areas of mathematics are welcome to apply.
74.  SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES (SPS)Associate Professor PwD# ASD, SLD, MI & MD involvingProspective candidates with proven track record of high quality research work published in reputed peer reviewed international journals are encouraged to apply.  Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics.
Specialization: Topology (Algebraic or Differential), Geometry (Algebraic, Arithmetic, Differential, Hyperobolic or Symplectic), Non-Commutative Geometry, Harmonic Analysis, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Rings and Modules, Group Theory, Ergodic Theory, Representation Theory, Complex Analysis, Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, Number Theory (Algebraic, Transcendental and Analytic). However, outstanding candidates in other areas of mathematics are welcome to apply.
75.  SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES (SPS)Professor ST (Backlog)Prospective candidates with proven track record of high quality research work published in reputed peer reviewed international journals are encouraged to apply. Candidates should have Ph.D. degree in Mathematics.
Specialization: Topology (Algebraic or Differential), Geometry (Algebraic, Arithmetic, Differential, Hyperbolic or Symplectic), Harmonic Analysis, Lie Groups, Lie Analysis, Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, Non-Commutative Geometry, Transcendental or Analytic), Rings and Modules, Group Theory, Representation Theory, Algebras, Ergodic Theory, Complex Number Theory (Algebraic). However, outstanding candidates in other areas of Mathematics are welcome to apply.
Special Centre for Nanoscience (SCNS)Associate ProfessorSC (Backlog)Essential Qualifications: B.Tech./BE, M.Tech./ME in Electronics Engineering and Ph.D. in relevant areas.
Desirable: Applicant must have published extensively and consistently in the area of Analog/Digital VLSI circuits, signal processing and nano electronic device fabrication and characterization in high impact journals. Applicant must have completed at least one Major sponsored research project as Principal Investigator (PI) of amount Rs. 10 Lakhs or above from any government agency.
Special Centre for Nanoscience (SCNS)Associate ProfessorOBC (Backlog)Essential Qualifications: Master Degree and Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences
Desirable:  Applicant should have published extensively and consistently in the area of experimental nanoscience in high impact journals. Applicant should have completed or on-going at least one Major sponsored research project as Principal Investigator (PI) of amount Rs. 10 Lakhs or above from any government agency.
Special Centre for Nanoscience (SCNS)ProfessorST (Backlog)Essential Qualifications: B.Tech/BE and M.Tech./ME and Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering.
Desirable: Applicant must have published extensively and consistently in the area of Solid State Devices, Nanoscale Devices, Power Semiconductor Devices, VLSI Design and Optimization, Nanofabrication, Neuromorphic Computing, Semiconductor Memories in high impact journals.
Special Centre for National Security Studies (SCNSS)Associate ProfessorURSpecialization: Military History Philosophy of War & Peace Strategy & Statecraft
University  Science Instrumentation Center (USIC)ProfessorOBCEducational Qualifications and Experiences: Doctorate in the area of Engineering/ Science/ Technology with at least 15 years of experience in research and academic institutions or Science and Technology organizations or as faculty /scientist of recognized national /international universities / research institutes / corporate R&D Labs; out of which 5 years experience should be in managerial/ administrative capacity for Science & Technology programmes, planning and development, budget &finance, coordination and such organisation matters. OR Distinguished professionals/experts with Postgraduation in the area of Engineering/ Science/ Technology, who have made remarkable contributions in their professions from the field such as Engineering/ Science/ Technology with proven expertise of at least 25 years of experience and at a professor equivalent grade level for the last 10 years including experience in managerial/ administrative capacity for Science & Technology programmes, planning and development, budget & finance, coordination and such organisation matters.

Job/Position Description- 

  • The eligible and interested persons are required to apply online in the online link available on the University website Only online applications will be accepted.  

Application Fee

  • There is an application fee of ₹ 2000/- (Non-Refundable) for candidates belonging to the General, OBC and EWS Categories.
  • There is no application fee for SC/ST/PwD and women candidates

Advertisement related matters – 011-26704052 or  Email:

Technical Assistance related with Online Application – 011-26704094 Primary Technical Helpdesk-

How to Apply- 

  1. The eligible and interested persons are required to apply online in the online link available on the University website Only online applications will be accepted.  
  2. Applicants are requested to kindly upload the photograph, scanned copies of all certificates, marksheets, evidence of teaching, research, NOC from the employer, Master, M.Phil, Ph.D, NET certificates, copies of reprints of published articles, certificate containing the record of date of birth, caste certificate, etc. 

Last Date for Apply– 04 September 2023

See Position Details-

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